The CFTC is targeting violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act that manipulate the commodities market. These violations focus on illegal bribes that seek to improperly influence foreign officials and manipulate the market. Further, the agency is targeting companies who pay illegal payments related to fraud, manipulation, false reporting, or a number of other types of violations under the CEA and Commission Regulations. For this reason the agency uses Anonymous CFTC FCPA Bounty Actions to detect violations of the CEA and FCPA.
CFTC FCPA Bounty Action Enforcement
The CFTC enforces CEA provisions that encompass foreign corrupt practices. Such misconduct includes illegal bribes that alter prices in the commodity markets. These prices drive the U.S. derivatives prices. This misconduct also covers bribes paid to secure business in connection with regulated activities. The regulated activities include trading, advising, or dealing in swaps or derivatives, paid out of funds investors believed were being used to invest.
Additionally, the agency regulates bribes used to manipulate benchmarks related to the derivative market. More specifically, the agency is targeting bribes that are the product of corruption and might be falsely reported to benchmarks.
The CFTC Encourages Internationals, Financial Professionals, and Other Individuals With Specific Knowledge of Significant Bribes to Expose Bribery Schemes
CFTC FCPA Bounty Actions encourage individuals with original knowledge of international bribes to expose bribery schemes. Further, they want international and financial professionals with specific information of large bribery schemes to anonymously expose these schemes. Through large financial rewards, the agency encourages the public to expose bribery schemes. The agency also offers whistleblower protections including the ability to anonymously expose corruption.
CFTC FCPA Bounty Action Rewards are often substantial as the agency awards a percentage of funds recovered. For significant bribery schemes, the agency rewards tens of millions of dollars or more to individuals.
More Information on CFTC FCPA Bounty Actions
The CFTC regulates the commodity market including the swaps and currency market. The agency also uses bounty actions to detect hard to detect investment fraud. Much of this fraud involves violations of the FCPA. For more information on FCPA Bounty Actions, please go to the following web pages: International Whistleblower Information, FCPA Whistleblower Lawyer, and Illegal Bribes Can Be The Basis of Bounty Actions.