
Whistleblowers Expose Corruption Schemes

Multiple government agencies offer large financial rewards to whistleblowers who anonymously expose   corruption schemes. These agencies target banks, brokers, and corporations that launder illegal money from criminals and corrupt politicians. They also target money service companies and other large corporations involved in money laundering schemes. This crackdown prevents market manipulation, terrorism, and the influence of foreign money.

Expose Corruption Schemes
Anonymous whistleblowers expose corruption schemes

Whistleblower Lawyers Allow Whistleblowers to Anonymously Expose Corruption Schemes and Earn Financial Rewards

Whistleblower lawyers help financial professionals and other individuals with original information expose illegal conduct. More specifically, whistleblower lawyers review and report significant money laundering and corruption schemes for anonymous whistleblowers. By working through a lawyer, these anonymous whistleblowers protect their identity and expose illegal conduct. The whistleblowers also collect large financial rewards for exposing hard to detect market manipulation and money laundering schemes. By working through lawyers, these whistleblowers also receive assistance and legal advice regarding gathering evidence and proving illegal conduct.

Government Agencies Expose Corruption Schemes, Fine Corporations Through Enforcement Actions, and Pay Rewards to Anonymous Whistleblowers

Recent government directives strongly encourage government agencies to expose corruption schemes and take action. More specifically, these agencies impose large fines through enforcement actions. They also commonly work with other agencies on related actions. When these enforcement actions and related actions are successful, these agencies pay large rewards. Overall, these rewards provide incentives to whistleblowers to work through their lawyers to identify hard to detect schemes.

Further, anonymous whistleblowers who provide original information that result in large enforcement actions become eligible for these rewards. Reward laws mandate that the agencies award 10% to 30% of any recovery from a specific tips leading to an enforcement action go to the whistleblower. Because of the large fines in many of these schemes, agencies commonly reward large multimillion dollar awards to whistleblowers.

The SEC, CFTC, and FinCEN Encourage Whistleblowers to Expose Illegal Conduct

The SEC, CFTC, and Fin-CEN reward financial professionals and other individuals who provide original information of illegal conduct. All these agencies encourage whistleblowers through large financial rewards to anonymously expose corruption schemes. Additionally, these agencies commonly work with other agencies on related actions that can also be the basis for rewards.

More Information on Anonymous Whistleblowers and Exposing Corruption

For more information on earning rewards for anonymously exposing corruption, please go to the following web pages Money Laundering Whistleblower Lawyer, SEC Whistleblower Lawyer, and CFTC Whistleblower Lawyer.

SEC Enforcement Action Awards

SEC Enforcement Action Awards offer large financial rewards to financial professionals who expose financial crimes. Further, the SEC just awarded $114 million to a SEC whistleblower who helped expose significant illegal conduct. More specifically, the SEC offers large financial rewards to any whistleblower who provides original information that leads to a SEC Enforcement Action. This original information needs to expose significant illegal schemes against the US financial markets. Further, the SEC protects the confidentiality of whistleblowers and does not disclose information that could reveal a whistleblower’s identity.

SEC Enforcement Action Awards
SEC and CFTC Anonymous Whistleblower Rewards offer large financial incentives to anonymous whistleblowers.

SEC Enforcement Action Awards Increase to $676 Million

Since the beginning of the SEC whistleblower program, the SEC has awarded approximately $676 million to 108 individuals. Further, SEC enforcement action awards range from 10 percent to 30 percent of the the money collected. More specifically, when an enforcement action obtains monetary sanctions from a defendant that exceeds $1 million, the SEC typically makes an award.  Many of the financial rewards exceed $1 million because many of the enforcement actions fine defendants over $10 million. In fact, some enforcement actions recoup hundreds of millions or billions of dollars.

SEC Enforcement Action Awards Include Awards from Related Actions by Other Agencies

The SEC commonly works with other government agencies including the CFTC, DOJ, FTC, and Fin-CEN. Through these collaborations, the SEC commonly obtains large fines against large corporations who violated that law. Further, other government agencies also commonly take action against large banks and other corporations who knowingly violate the law. Together, these enforcement actions commonly recoup hundreds of millions or billions of dollars from defendants.

SEC and CFTC Whistleblower Reward Programs Offer Large Financial Rewards to Anonymous Whistleblowers

Both the SEC and CFTC Whistleblower Reward Program offer large financial reward to anonymous whistleblowers. More specifically, these whistleblower reward programs encourage financial professionals to anonymously expose significant illegal conduct. Further, both programs allow financial professionals to anonymously expose illegal schemes through a lawyer and claim a reward. For more information on SEC Enforcement Action Awards and CFTC Whistleblower Rewards, please go to the following web pages: CFTC Whistleblower Reward Lawyer, Securities Exchange Act Violation Lawyer, and Anonymous SEC Whistleblower Lawyer.

Market Manipulation Whistleblowers

Market manipulation whistleblowers can earn large financial rewards by anonymously reporting illegal schemes. Both the SEC and CFTC reward anonymous whistleblowers who expose money laundering, insider trading, and other illegal schemes. More specifically, these agencies pay large financial awards to whistleblowers who provide anonymous tips that lead to enforcement actions.

Market Manipulation Whistleblowers
Anonymous Market Manipulation Whistleblowers Earn Large Financial Rewards

International Market Manipulation Whistleblowers Help Expose Foreign Interference in US Markets

Both agencies regulate all investors in the US financial markets. Further, they target investors throughout the world that attempt to manipulate the US markets. More specifically, they commonly take action against foreign investors that illegally manipulate securities, swaps, or commodities. Further, in doing so the agencies commonly freeze assets and fine foreign entities. Additionally, they commonly reward international professionals from around the world who anonymously expose illegal conduct.

Market Manipulation Whistleblowers Help Detect the Use of Illegal Money in US Markets

These agencies also target banks, brokers, and traders that manipulate the US financial markets with illegal money. Further, they target money launderers and those who help foreign officials invest money in the US markets. More specifically, these agencies work with FinCEN and the Department of Justice to identify Bank Secrecy Act violations.

Anonymous Whistleblowers Also Help Detect Insider Trading and Domestic Money Laundering

These rewards also help the SEC and CFTC detect insider trading and domestic insider trading. More specifically, both agencies reward anonymous whistleblowers who expose insider trading and domestic money laundering schemes. Both of these types of market manipulation schemes cost investors significant wealth. For this reason, anonymous tips regarding these schemes that result in an enforcement action  commonly result in awards. As such, market manipulation whistleblowers with knowledge of these schemes should anonymously report the schemes.

More Information on Anonymous Whistleblower Rewards in the US Financial Markets

For more information on anonymous market manipulation tips, please go to the following webpages: Anonymous SEC Whistleblower Reward Lawyer, Anonymous CFTC Whistleblower Reward Lawyer, and Insider Trading Whistleblower Reward Lawyer.

Anonymous FCPA Whistleblowers Earn Rewards

The United States rewards anonymous FCPA whistleblowers who expose Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations. More specifically, these rewards target large corporations who bribe foreign officials or commit accounting fraud. The reward laws include whistleblower protections and offer significant financial rewards. Both the rewards and protections encourage individuals with specialized information of significant FCPA violations to anonymously report the illegal conduct. International professionals, employees of multinational corporations, and former employees all can anonymously report violations and earn these rewards.

Anonymous FCPA Whistleblowers
Anonymous FCPA Whistleblowers Earn Large Financial Rewards

Anonymous FCPA Whistleblowers Earn Large Financial Rewards

Both the SEC and CFTC offer large financial rewards to anonymous whistleblowers. More specifically, these rewards range from 10% to 30% of any money recovered from the anonymous tip. Further, the SEC and CFTC often fine large corporations hundreds of millions of dollars. Overall, these whistleblower reward laws use large rewards to encourage whistleblowers to expose illegal bribes and other illegal conduct.

Whistleblower Protections Help Anonymous Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Whistleblowers

Additionally, the SEC and CFTC both offer whistleblower protections to FCPA whistleblowers. These protections helps employees, financial professionals, and other whistleblowers expose illegal conduct. More specifically, these whistleblowers can report illegal conduct anonymously. Further, they can use a lawyer to protect their identity. They also can use confidential information that proves the illegal conduct. There are also laws against retaliating against whistleblowers.

These Laws Encourage Employees of Multinational Corporations and International Professionals to Expose FCPA Violations

The SEC and CFTC encourage anyone with original knowledge of FCPA violations to anonymously report illegal conduct. More specifically, these laws commonly reward employees of multinational corporations and international professionals. Further, financial professionals, auditors, and compliance professionals commonly anonymously report illegal conduct. These professionals commonly acquire insider information regarding illegal schemes. However, anyone with original knowledge of significant illegal conduct can earn large rewards.

More Information on Anonymous FCPA Whistleblowers

For more information on this topic, please go to the following webpages: FCPA Whistleblower Lawyer, American Whistleblower Lawyer, and International Financial Services Professionals Can Earn Large Rewards for Anonymously Exposing Bribes

Private Equity Whistleblower Rewards

The SEC regulates many private equity investments in the United States. More specifically, they target investment advisers, private equity firms, and businesses who violate securities laws. Further, the SEC offers large financial rewards to whistleblowers who anonymously expose significant fraud in the private equity markets. As such, an anonymous private equity whistleblower can work through a lawyer to report illegal schemes and collect rewards.

Private Equity Whistleblower Rewards
Anonymous Private Equity Whistleblowers Can Earn Large Financial Rewards

Private Equity Whistleblowers Earn Large Financial Rewards for Anonymously Exposing Fraud and Illegal Conduct

Through whistleblower reward laws, the SEC rewards private equity whistleblowers who expose violations of securities laws. Further, these whistleblowers can anonymously report illegal conduct through a lawyer and collect a reward. This anonymous whistleblower protection helps encourage financial professionals to report hard to detect fraud.

Anonymous Whistleblowers Identify Large Hard To Detect Investment Fraud Schemes

Traditionally, the SEC provides little oversight and regulation in the private equity markets. However, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, new whistleblower reward laws expanded the SEC’s ability to regulate the private equity markets. Further, these laws encourage anonymous reporting by private equity whistleblowers. More specifically, built in protection encourage financial professionals, corporate insiders, and high end investors to report significant fraud. In fact, because the SEC calculates these rewards based on a percentage of money recovered, whistleblowers earn more money for reporting larger fraud schemes.

Anonymous Whistleblowers Expose Fraud and Illegal Conduct By Private Equity Firms

Private equity firms commonly buy and sell portfolio companies. Further, these transactions require thorough investigations and accurate information including revenues, liabilities, and net values. As such, the SEC targets private equity firms who defraud investors, companies, or other private equity firms. More specifically, the SEC targets private equity firms that take control positions in portfolio companies and conceal fraud by these companies.

The SEC Also Rewards Private Equity Whistleblowers Who Anonymously Expose Fraudulent Investment Advisers

The SEC also encourages anonymous private equity whistleblowers to expose fraudulent investment advisers.  More specifically, the SEC pays large rewards to whistleblowers who report investment advisers who violate securities laws. Further, where investment advisers systematically take advantage of investors, the SEC wants to know so they can protect investors.

Anonymous Whistleblower Rewards Also Target Fraudulent Companies and Corporate Insiders

Whistleblower reward laws also target fraudulent businesses and corporate insiders. More specifically, businesses who defraud management investment companies and other private equity investors can be fined. Further, the SEC fines businesses who fraudulently inflate revenues and values or conceal liability to equity investors. The SEC also rewards anonymous whistleblowers who expose these fraudulent businesses and insiders. Further, the SEC wants to identify and regulate sham companies that are vehicles to fraudulently divert and misappropriate funds.

The SEC takes the position that when private companies solicit or accept investments, including from investment companies, they must comply with the federal securities laws. Further, these private companies should not violate the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws. If they do, the SEC seeks disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, civil penalties, and permanent injunctive relief. Further, the agency pays private equity whistleblowers who expose these companies.

More Information on SEC Private Equity Whistleblower Rewards

For more information on this topic, please go to the following webpages: SEC Whistleblowers Reward Lawyer, Anonymous Investment Fraud Whistleblowers, and Accounting Fraud Whistleblower Reward Lawyer.

Coronavirus Inside Trade Lawyer

The SEC, CFTC, and other government agencies prohibit the use of intelligence and regulatory information for personal benefit. More specifically these agencies target government insiders who use specialized Coronavirus and stimulus information to profit in the financial markets. Further, these agencies offer large financial rewards to individuals with original information of insider trading. In many situations these whistleblowers remain anonymous by exposing illegal conduct through a Coronavirus inside trade lawyer.  Overall, these agencies target government officials and their accomplices who illegally profit from early knowledge of the pandemic, stimulus, and other inside information.

Coronavirus Inside Trade Lawyer
Anonymously Expose Illegal Coronavirus Inside Trade Schemes and Earn Financial Rewards

The SEC Targets Coronavirus Stock Trade Profiteering

The Securities and Exchange Commission regulates the securities markets in the United States. As such, the SEC reviews stock trades by lawmakers surrounding intelligence briefings and major stimulus legislation. Further, the agency investigates law makers and public officials who make large trades before the market plunges due to the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The SEC also seeks tips from brokers, financial advisors, and other financial professionals with knowledge of significant trades based on inside information.

The CFTC Targets Coronavirus Inside Information Commodity Trades

The Commodities Future Trading Commission also regulates financial trades made with illegal inside information. More specifically, the agency regulates commodity trades including illegal oil and gas trades made on inside government information. The agency encourages financial professionals aware of illegal inside trades to anonymously expose these trades through financial rewards. These illegal trades can include inside information of non-public policy decisions and intelligence.

From interest rate decisions other government regulations to government purchasing, the use of inside information can create millions or billions in illegal profits. Individuals with original information of inside trade schemes should anonymously expose these illegal schemes and anonymously collect large financial rewards.

Coronavirus Inside Trade Lawyer Works With Financial Professionals to Anonymously Expose Public Officials Who Illegally Use Privileged Information for Profits

During the coronavirus crisis, public officials should work for the benefit of the public and not themselves.  Further, these lawmakers will pass historic stimulus legislation worth trillions of dollars.  Additionally, these public officials will regulate the banks, financial markets, and other industries. Thus, they control the flow of trillions of dollars in wealth. This vast power creates temptation for many public officials to take advantage of the information and power they have to commit coronavirus profiteering. Thus, bounties create large financial rewards for individuals who anonymously expose those who violate the public trust.

For more information on this topic, please go to the following webpages: Insider Trading Bounty Actions and Conoravirus Stimulus Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer.


CFTC Whistleblower Incentives and Rewards

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commonly works with other government agencies to stop illegal conduct. Further, the CFTC offers large financial rewards to anonymous whistleblowers who expose illegal conduct. More specifically, the agency uses CFTC whistleblower incentives and rewards to detect fraud in the financial markets. These incentives pay millions of dollars to financial professionals who anonymously expose these investment schemes.

CFTC Whistleblower Incentives
CFTC Whistleblower Incentives, Rewards, and Protections

The CFTC Pays Large Financial Rewards to Anonymous Whistleblowers

CFTC whistleblower incentives and rewards pay between 10% and 30% of money recovered by the government to whistleblowers. The CFTC often makes extremely large recoveries as it regulates the commodities markets. More specifically, the CFTC regulates several large markets including 1) currencies, 2) oil and gas, 3) swaps, 4) cryptocurrencies, and 5) precious metals. Based on the CFTC’s regulatory powers, the agency commonly fines large corporations and investors several millions or more.

CFTC Whistleblower Incentives Offer Whistleblower Protections to Professionals

The CFTC offers whistleblower protections to individuals with specialized knowledge of significant fraud. These protections and CFTC whistleblower incentives encourage financial professionals and high end investors to expose illegal conduct. These protections and incentives protect whistleblowers’ identities, careers, and reputations.

CFTC Incentives and Protections Target Market Manipulation Schemes and Other Illegal Conduct

The CFTC uses incentives and protections to identify significant illegal conduct in the financial markets. More specifically, the CFTC targets 1) market manipulation schemes, 2) investment fraud, 3) corrupt practices, 4) money laundering, and 5) insider trading.  The agency also regulates and fines several other types of illegal conduct including broker fraud.

The CFTC Works With Other Governmental Agencies

The CFTC commonly works with other government agencies in the United States. Further, the agency commonly works with the Securities Exchange Commission SEC, Department of Justice DOJ, and other government agencies. The CFTC also commonly works with other countries to regulate global markets and multinational corporations.

More Information of CFTC Whistleblower Incentives and Protections

For more information on this topic and other similar topics, please go the following: Anonymous CFTC Bounty Actions, SEC Anonymous Whistleblower Rewards, and Whisteblower Reward Lawyer.

Private Equity Bounty Actions

The SEC and CFTC use bounty actions to identify fraud and other illegal conduct in the financial markets. More specifically, both agencies regulate private equity firms, companies, and transactions through bounty and enforcement actions.  Further, both agencies use private equity bounty actions to identify significant fraud and illegal conduct in the dealings of private companies and their executives.

Private Equity Bounty Actions
Disclosure Fraud and Other Investment Fraud Can Be The Basis of Private Equity Bounty Actions

The SEC Regulates Private Companies

SEC representatives clearly state that “being a private company comes with serious obligations to investors and the markets.” Further, the agency monitors private companies in respect to their reporting to actual and potential investors.

The SEC also enforces securities and investment fraud schemes committed by individuals and private companies. These enforcement actions fine and punish private companies for disclosure violations, fraud, and other illegal conduct.

The SEC Regulates Private Investment Advisers and Private Equity Funds

Traditionally, the SEC left most private equity advisers and transactions alone. From 1940 to 2010,   the private adviser exemption allowed most private equity advisers and transactions unregulated. However, in 2010 The Dodd-Frank Act erased the private adviser exemption. Thus, Dodd-Frank requires all private equity firms with more than $150 million in assets to register with the SEC in the category of “Investment Advisers.”

More specifically, the SEC regulates investment advisers and private equity funds through the Advisers Act. This Act requires all non-exempt private equity fund investment advisers to register with the SEC. Further, the SEC requires these investment advisers to comply with securities laws and disclosure requirements. More specifically, the SEC requires these private equity funds to report information to the SEC. More specifically, depending on the investment adviser and equity fund, the SEC requires specific disclosures. Failure to make these disclosure or making false disclosures can be the basis of enforcement and bounty actions.

Fraudulent Assets Under Management Determinations and Disclosures

Assets under management (AUM) is the total market value of the investments that a person or entity manages on behalf of clients. Assets under management definitions and formulas vary by company.  That being said, fraudulent determinations and disclosures regarding AUM can trigger regulatory and enforcement actions.

More Information of Anonymous SEC and CFTC Private Equity Bounty Actions

For more information on this topic, please go to the following webpages: SEC Bounty Actions, CFTC Bounty Actions, and SEC Anonymous Bounty Actions.

CFTC Bounty Action Rewards

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission regulates the commodities markets. Further, the CFTC works with other government agencies to ensure the integrity of global financial markets. More specifically, the CFTC regulates digital currencies, derivative markets, commodity markets, swap markets, and other investments. In doing so, the CFTC uses anonymous CFTC bounty action rewards to identify fraud schemes and other illegal conduct.

CFTC Bounty Action Rewards
CFTC Bounty Action Rewards Allow Whistleblowers to Anonymously Expose Investment Fraud, Market Manipulation Schemes, and other Illegal Conduct.

CFTC Bounty Action Rewards Over $100 Million to Whistleblowers

Since 2014, the CFTC has awarded approximately $100 million to whistleblowers. The Commission actions associated with those awards have resulted in sanctions orders totaling more than $800 million.

Anonymous CFTC Bounty Action Rewards

CFTC Bounty Actions allow whistleblowers to report investment fraud schemes anonymously through a lawyer and collect rewards. This whistleblower protection protects whistleblower identities and careers. It also helps whistleblowers hire a lawyer to understand how to properly report illegal conduct.

Recent CFTC Action on Fraudulent Investment Scheme

The CFTC charged multiple defendants with fraudulently soliciting and misappropriating approximately $33 million in digital assets. Further, the complaint specifically alleges that from at least August 2017 through December 2019 defendants operated a fraudulent scheme. More specifically, the  defendants solicited funds to purportedly trade digital assets and then misappropriated those funds. Further, the agency alleges that defendants engaged in numerous misrepresentations. These fraudulent misrepresentations include false claims regarding earnings, algorithm success, and abilities to transfer or withdraw customer funds.

Further, in reality the defendants sent only a small portion of the customers’ funds to digital asset trading accounts, did not earn the trading profits they claimed, and misappropriated funds. To conceal the fraud, the defendants provided customers with false accounting statements, newsletters containing false trading returns, and fictitious screenshots reflecting the amount of money under the defendant’s management.

Related Wire Fraud and Misappropriation

The CFTC also works with the SEC and DOJ. As such, the CFTC and SEC identified additional illegal conduct at these companies. This conduct violates wire fraud and securities law. As such, the DOJ, SEC, and CFTC are working on prosecuting the crimes. Illegal conduct such as the above investment fraud can be the basis of bounty actions.

More Information of CFTC Bounty Action Rewards

For more information on anonymous bounty actions, please go to the following webpages: SEC Bounty Actions, CFTC Whistleblower Rewards, and International Bounty Actions.

Expose Illegal Bribery Schemes

The United States government and other governments enforce anti-bribery laws. These laws target international illegal bribery schemes, fraudulent accounting, and other illegal conduct. Further, multinational corporations who violate these laws pay large fines. In fact, in the last two months large multinational corporations have paid over $5 billion in fines.  Additionally, government agencies pay large financial rewards to individuals who anonymously expose illegal bribery schemes.

Expose Illegal Bribery Schemes
Governments Recover Over $5 Billion from Multinational Corporations for Illegal Bribery Schemes

International Telecommunications Corporation Ericsson Settles International Illegal Bribery Scheme Charges

Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, a multinational telecommunications company, settles illegal bribery charges. Ericsson pays more than $1 billion for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).  These violations include illegal bribery and accounting fraud allegations. The US Department of Justice and Securities Exchange Commission enforce anti bribery laws globally.

International Aircraft Manufacturer Airbus Settles Illegal Bribery Scheme Charges

Airbus SE settles global illegal bribery and trade charges for $4,000,000,000 (four billion dollars US). Further, a Whistleblower brought this illegal bribery scheme to the attention of French, United Kingdom, and United States authorities.  All three governments investigate international bribery schemes and other illegal conduct.

United States Illegal Bribery Enforcement Agencies

For the United States, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), Commodity Future Trade Commission (CFTC), and Department of Justice (DOJ) investigate illegal bribery schemes.  Further, both the SEC and CFTC offer large financial rewards to whistleblowers who anonymously expose illegal bribery schemes.

French and United Kingdom Illegal Bribery Enforcement Agencies

The French national prosecutor Parquet National Financier (PNF) enforces international illegal bribery schemes.

The Serious Fraud Office enforces the UK Bribery Act and regulates illegal bribery schemes. Further, this office enforces international illegal bribery schemes even when the conduct occurs in other countries.

International Whistleblowers Who Anonymously Expose Illegal Bribery Schemes Can Earn Large Financial Rewards

The United States uses bounty actions to identify illegal bribery schemes. More specifically, the SEC and CFTC offer large financial rewards to individuals who anonymously expose illegal conduct. Further, these agencies pay a percentage of any funds recovered to international whistleblowers who are the first to provide original information of illegal conduct.

For more information on how to expose illegal bribery schemes, please go to the following webpages: International Whistleblower Rewards and International Financial Services Professionals Can Earn Large Rewards for Anonymously Exposing Bribes.