Insider Trading Bounty Actions

Insider trading bounty actions allow financial professionals to anonymously expose inside trading schemes and collect financial rewards.  These Bounty Actions target brokers, insiders, and others illegally using non-public insider information.

Insider Trading Bounty Actions
Insider Trading Scheme Bounty Actions

The CFTC Is Targeting Specific Types of Insider Trading Schemes

The United States Commodity Future Trade Commission regulates illegal conduct in the commodities market.  More specifically, it oversees futures contracts of commodities including currencies and swaps.  Detecting insider trading in these complicated financial investments can be difficult.

For this reason the CFTC encourages financial professionals to anonymously report hard to detect insider trading schemes. More specifically, they are targeting trades made on market moving information that the source had a duty to protect.

Brokers And Employee Who Use Material Nonpublic Information For Illegal Trades Are a Target

The CFTC is also targeting brokers front running customer orders or taking the other side of any customer order without consent. The agency is also seeking information on tips or trades employees make using material nonpublic information obtained by virtue of employment.

Other Types of Insider Trade Schemes

Other targeted schemes involve trades on material nonpublic information that was obtained by fraud or deception. Additionally, the agency is targeting FCMs or brokers improperly disclosing customer orders or other material nonpublic information MNPI.

Swap Insider Trade Bounty Actions

Swap dealers or major swap participants improperly disclosing material nonpublic information MNPI or using MNPI provided by a counterparty without the counterparty’s consent. Persons with knowledge of illegal use of material nonpublic information in swaps are encouraged to anonymously report the schemes.

More Information on Inside Trading Schemes and Large Anonymously Reported CFTC and SEC Bounty Actions

For more information on anonymously reporting Insider Trading Schemes, please go to the following webpages: Anonymous CFTC and SEC Bounty Actions and Insider Trading SEC Bounty Actions.